Practice CUET - PoliticalScience test 1. Non Aligned Movement (NAM) was founded in? A) 1961 B) 1952 C) 1981 D) 1969 None 2. In which year did the Cuban missile crisis occur? A) 1951 B) 1962 C) 1991 D) 1985 None 3. USSR represented which ideology during the cold war? A) Socialism B) Communism C) Both of these D) None of these None 4. The end of the second world war was also the beginning of? A) Third world war B) Cold war C) Both of these D) None of these None 5. When both the sides have the capacity to retaliate against an attack and to cause so much destruction that neither can afford to initiate war, this concept is termed as? A) Coercion B) Deterrence C) Undue Influence D) None of these None 6. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was founded in? A) 1951 B) 1959 C) 1949 D) 1961 None 7. Which organization declared that armed attack on any of them in Europe/ North America would be regarded as an attack on all of them? A) NATO nations B) Warsaw pact nations C) Communist Nations D) None of these None 8. In response to US-led SEATO, USSR developed relation with which of the following Asian country? A) China B) Iraq C) North Korea D) All of these None 9. USSR had a brief war with which nation in 1969 over a territorial dispute? A) USA B) China C) Germany D) India None 10. During the cold war, which country was divided along the 38th parallel? A) Japan B) Germany C) Korea D) USA None 11. Which of the following were founding figures of Non Aligned Movement? A) Josip Broz Tito B) J.L. Nehru C) Gorbachev D) Only (a) and (b) None 12. Where was the first non – aligned summit in 1961 held? A) Moscow B) Belgrade C) Delhi D) Cairo None 13. After the report published by UNCTAD in 1972, Non – Aligned movement became a? A) Economic pressure group B) Political pressure group C) Social group D) None of these None 14. USSR disintegration took place in which year? A) 1984 B) 1971 C) 1991 D) 1989 None 15. In which year Berlin wall was toppled by the people? A) 1989 B) 1972 C) 1974 D) 1969 None 16. Soviet Union was disintegrated in which year? A) 1991 B) 1982 C) 1974 D) 1979 None 17. Who was the founder of Bolshevik communist party? A) Vladimir Lenin B) Joseph Stalin C) Josip Broz Tito D) Nikita Khrushchev None 18. The Warsaw pact was a? A) Economic alliance B) Military alliance C) Political alliance D) None of these None 19. Who was successor to Vladimir Lenin? A) Joseph Stalin B) Boris Yeltsin C) Nikita Khrushchev D) None of these None 20. After Boris Yeltsin became the president of Russia, power began to shift from the Soviet centre to? A) USA B) Germany C) Soviet republics D) China None 21. Which Soviet Union leader started political and economic reforms in USSR? A) Mikhail Gorbachev B) Joseph Stalin C) Vladimir Lenin D) Nikita Khrushchev None 22. Which of the following factor led to the soviet disintegration? A) Political weakness B) Mass Revolt C) Economic Stagnation D) All of these None 23. Who was the last leader of the Soviet Union? A) Mikhail Gorbachev B) Nikita Khrushchev C) Vladimir Lenin D) Joseph Stalin None 24. In 1989, the Soviet Union declared the member of which treaty free to decide their own future? A) NATO B) Warsaw pact C) CIS D) None of these None 25. After the end of cold war ___________ A) USSR became the sole superpower B) USA became the sole superpower C) Russia became the sole superpower D) None of these None 26. The model of transition from socialist to a capitalist in Russia, Central Asia and East Europe was termed as? A) Shock therapy B) Capitalist change C) Economic transition D) Capitalist therapy None 27. Which of the following were the consequences of shock therapy in Russia? A) Food insecurity B) Poverty C) Falling GDP D) All of these None 28. Russia assumes which of these states as it’s ‘near abroad’ and wants that they should be under its influence? A) Fast European states B) Central Asian states C) China D) All of these None 29. Post USSR disintegration, which country was the second-largest arms market for Russia? A) Pakistan B) China C) India D) USA None 30. In 9/11 attack which building was destroyed by the terrorists? A) World Trade Centre B) US Capitol Building C) Statue of Liberty D) Empire State Building None 31. First gulf war was fought between Iraq on one side and how many countries on the other? A) 20 B) 25 C) 35 D) 40 None 32. Despite winning the first gulf war, George H.W. Bush lost the US presidential elections of 1992 to? A) Bill Clinton B) Ronald Reagan C) Jimmy Carter D) None of these None 33. In 1998, which terrorist organisation bombed US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania? A) Taliban B) Al –Shabaab C) Al – Qaeda D) Boko Haram None 34. How many lives were lost in 9/11 attack? A) 10,000 B) 5,000 C) 3,000 D) 500 None 35. US invaded Iraq in which year? A) 2000 B) 2003 C) 2005 D) 1999 None 36. Since no evidence of WMD was found in Iraq, it was speculated that the US invasion was motivated by which other objective? A) Controlling Iraqi Oil fields B) Installing a regime friendly to US C) Both of these D) None of these None 37. The period of cold war was? A) 1910 – 1944 B) 1920 – 1970 C) 1945 – 1991 D) 1930 – 1965 None 38. Which country has the highest budget allocation for its defence sector? A) CHINA B) RUSSIA C) USA D) US None 39. Which of the following are examples of public goods? A) Fresh air B) Roads C) Internet D) All of these None 40. ___________ is the direct outcome of a US military research project that began in 1950. A) Internet B) Telephone C) Radar D) None of these None 41. First MBA course was initiated at the University of Pennsylvania in which year? A) 1910 B) 1925 C) 1900 D) 1908 None 42. During the cold war and post-war, the US was ultimately triumphant in which realm? A) Hard Power B) Soft Power C) Structural Power D) None of these None 43. 15% of all high – tech start –ups are by______? A) Europeans B) Indian – Americans C) British D) None of these None 44. Instead of engaging in activities opposed to hegemonic power, it is advisable to extract benefits by operating within the hegemonic system, this is called? A) Bandwagon Strategy B) Marshall Strategy C) Bandwidth Strategy D) Ronald Reagan None 45. ASEAN stands for A) Association of South European Nations B) Association of South East Asian Nations C) Agglomeration of South East Asian Nations D) None of these None 46. NATO stands for A) North America Treaty Organisation B) North America Territory Organisation C) North Atlantic Treaty Organisation D) North America Treaty of Defence None 47. European Economic Community was formed in? A) 1991 B) 1929 C) 1962 D) 1957 None 48. Which currency can pose a threat to the dominance of US dollar? A) Chinese Yuan B) Rupee C) Euro D) None of these None 49. European Atomic Energy Community was established in? A) 1957 B) 1969 C) 1978 D) 1982 None 50. Margaret Thatcher is a former PM of which country? A) Germany B) France C) Britain D) None of these None Name Email School City Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Name * Email * Website Comment * Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.