Welcome to your CUET - History 1. The Mauryan Empire was founded by A) Chandergupta Maurya B) Asoka C) Chanakya D) Bimbisara None 2. The most valuable source of information about the Mauryan times is A) Megasthenes’ work B) Asokan inscriptions C) Arthshastra D) Copper plate inscriptions None 3. A majority of Asoka’s inscriptions are written in A) Sanskrit B) Prakrit C) Pali D) Hindi None 4. Dhamma, the moral code of life, was enunciated by A) Asoka B) Harshvardhan C) Chandergupta I D) Chandragupta Maurya None 5. Kalinga was the old name given to today’s A) Odisha B) West Bengal C) Madhya Pradesh D) Bihar None 6. The Shakas came to India from A) Central Asia B) Greece C) Afghanistan D) West Asia None 7. The Allahabad Pillar inscription is also known as _______ . A) Priya Rasam B) Priya Prashasti C) Devam Prashasti D) Prayaga Prashasti None 8. The Jataka tales are written in ________. A) Hindi B) Sanskrit C) Pali D) Prakrit None 9. Agricultural production showed a significant rise in Buddha’s times due to the use of A) Iron tools B) Wells and tanks C) Both A and B D) Oxen None 10. Pick out the RIGHT statement. A) Copper-plate land grants began to be given in the early centuries of the Common Era B) The Zamindari tradition began in the early centuries C) During Buddha’s times, animal sacrifices were on the rise D) Asoka began the system of giving land grants None 11. The term sovanika used in ancient inscriptions refers to a A) a village feast B) beautiful woman C) goldsmith D) businessman None 12. The first dynasty to issue coins, which can be attributed to a king with certainty, were struck by the A) Kushanas B) Mauryas C) Indo-Greeks D) Guptas None 13. The Indo-Greek king, who later converted to Buddhism, was A) Byzantium B) Xerses C) Menander D) Xander None 14. Chandergupta Maurya ascended the throne in the year A) 272 BC B) 327 BC C) 261 BC D) 321 BC None 15. The Saka Samvata was begun by Kanishka in _____ to mark his ascension to the throne. A) 261 AD B) 78 AD C) 58 BC D) 320 AD None 16. The Brahmi and Kharoshti scripts were decoded by A) AH Wheeler B) Daya Ram Sahni C) William Jones D) James Prinsep None 17. In Asokan times, the language of the common people was A) Sanskrit B) Prakrit C) Hindi D) Pali None 18. Oligarchy has been labelled as ________ in ancient literature. A) kula B) shreni C) gana or sangha D) gramini None 19. Pick out the wrong statement. A) Having standing armies was a norm during the 6thcentury BC B) Dharamsutraswere composed in Sanskrit during the 6thcentury BC C) The Brahmins were not the ruling class during the 6thcentury BC D) Elephants were an important component of the army None 20. The Sudarshana Lake in Gujarat was restored by A) Milind B) Rudradaman C) Gautmiputra Satkarni D) Kanishka None 21. Who issued the most number of gold coins in ancient India? A) The Guptas B) The Mauryas C) The Satavahanas D) The Kushanas None 22. The practice of _______ played a significant role in improving farm output during the Buddha’s times. A) canal irrigation B) Crop rotation C) tilling with oxen D) Paddy transplantation None 23. Find the wrongly matched option. A) Chalukyas: Karnataka B) Pallavas: Tamilnadu C) Cheras: Maharashtra D) The Indo-Greeks: North-West India None 24. The last great Hindu king of north India was A) Rajyavardhan B) Asoka C) Harshvardhan D) Skandagupta None 25. The Iron Pillar located at Mehrauli (Delhi) records the achievements of A) Chandragupta Maurya B) Asoka C) Chandragupta II D) Samudragupta None 26. Huen Tsang had come to India to A) To study Buddhism B) know about the geography of India C) Establish political ties with India D) do nothing in particular None 27. In ancient literature, the word Sangam refers to A) a Buddhist assembly B) an assembly of poets C) a representative political assembly D) an assembly of all kings None 28. The Indo-Greek ruler, who converted to Buddhism later, was A) Menander B) Milind C) Anon D) Xerses None 29. The Vakatakas were powerful rulers in the ______ of India, into whose family Chandergupta Maurya had married off his daughter. A) South B) West C) East D) North-West None 30. Most of the information we have about the Harappans comes from A) The Rigveda B) Copper plates C) Rock edicts D) Seals None 31. The remains of the Indus Valley civilization were discovered first in A) Mohanjodaro B) Chanhudaro C) Harappa D) Kalibangan None 32. The predominant component of the Harappans’ diet was A) a variety of plants and animals B) game animals C) sourced from gathering and hunting D) plants only None 33. The Harappans used to domesticate A) Cattle B) Goats C) Buffaloes D) All of these None 34. The Harappan seals are made of A) Copper B) China clay C) Terracotta D) Iron None 35. Some traces of canals during the Harappan period have been discovered in A) Sindh (Pakistan) B) Rajasthan C) Shortughai (Afghanistan) D) Sanghol (Panjab) None 36. The most well-known Harappan settlement is found in A) Sanghol B) Dholavira C) Harappa D) Mohanjodaro None 37. The Great Bath found at Harappan sites was used mostly for A) daily ablutions B) ceremonial purposes C) storage of water D) All of these None 38. Which of these metals/ alloys wasn’t known to the Indus Valley people? A) Iron B) Gold C) Bronze D) Copper None 39. The latest Harappan site to be discovered in India is A) Rakhigarhi B) Banawali C) Dholavira D) Kalibangan None 40. Apart from Khetri (Rajasthan), copper was obtained by the Indus Valley people from A) West Asia B) Oman C) Afghanistan D) Iraq None 41. The Indus Valley people had possible trade links with A) Thailand B) Bahrain C) China D) Saudi Arabia None 42. Most Harappan sites are found to have been abandoned by A) 1800 BC B) 800 BC C) 1200 BC D) 2800 BC None 43. The correct chronological order is represented in which of the following options? A) Paleolithic, Chalcolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic B) Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, Chalcolithic C) Chalcolithic, Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic D) Neolithic, Paleolithic, Chalcolithic, Mesolithic None 44. The Great Granary of the Harappan times has been found in A) Mohanjodaro B) Harappa C) Chanhudaro D) Lothal None 45. Area-wise, which of the following is the biggest Indus Valley site? A) Kot Diji B) Rakhigarhi C) Mohanjodaro D) Harappa None 46. Match the following in the context of Indus Valley excavations and select the best option. A) 1-R, 2-P, 3-Q, 4-S B) 1-R, 2-S, 3-P, 4-Q C) 1-S, 2-R, 3-P, 4-Q D) 1-R, 2-Q, 3-P, 4-S None 47. A ploughed field related to the Early Harappans has been found in A) Kalibanagan B) Surkotda C) Dholavira D) Banawali None 48. The urban features of Indus Valley settlements included A) a good drainage system B) well-planned roads C) use of sun-dried bricks D) All of these None 49. The Harappans knew about the use of A) Iron B) Sugar C) Gold D) Cotton None 50. The Ganeshwar-Jodhpur culture is well-known for its A) Non-Harappan pottery B) Harappan pottery C) Copper objects D) Both A and C None Name Email School City Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Name * Email * Website Comment * Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.