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Class XII – Yoga and Lifestyle -PYQs

Yoga and Lifestyle

1. What is the role of yoga in preventing lifestyle diseases?

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Ans. Yoga plays prominent role in preventing lifestyle diseases are as follows:

  • Yoga gives relief from physical and mental ailments
  • Regular practice of yoga relieves mental stress. Yoga makes a person free from anger, anxiety and emotional disturbances.
  • Cold, cough insomnia, asthma, constipation, arthritis, acidity, diarrhoea etc. can be prevented with the regular practice of yogic asanas.
  • Postural deformities can be prevented by the regular practice of yoga

2. Explain the procedure of any one asana used to cure diabetes.

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Ans. Pavanmuktasana help in curing diabetes. Procedure of Pavanmultasana is as follows:

  • This is done in lying position
  • Lie flat on the back, keep the legs straight and relax your body.
  • Inhale slowly and lift the legs and bend on the knees. Bring upwards to the chest till the thigh touches the stomach.
  • Hug the knees and lock the fingers.
  • Place the nose tip between the knees
  • Exhale slowly and come back to the original position.

3. Explain about the procedure of ‘Bhujangasana;.

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Ans. The procedure of Bhujangasana is as follow:

  • This is done in lying position
  • Lie on the stomach and rest forehead on the floor
  • Keep the feet and toes together and touch the ground.
  • Place the hands at shoulder level and palms on floor.
  • Inhale and lift the head, chest, abdomen up towards roof and keep the navel on the floor
  • Pull your torso back and off the floor with support of your hands.

4. What is obesity? Is it a disease? Explain your answer.

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Ans. Obesity is referred to medical condition in which excess body fat is accumulated to the extent that it has a negative effect on health.

Obesity in itself is not a disease but the condition of obesity leads to many diseases. This is because a person becomes extremely fat and the organs, glands, organ systems cannot function properly.

When the body does not function properly, then it gives birth to many diseases like diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, etc.

5. Write down procedure of Trikonasana.

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Ans. The procedure of Trikonasana is as follows:

  • Stand straight and hands alongside.
  • Raise both hands till they are not in line with each other, parallel to the ground. Inhale when you are raising the hands.
  • Now, bend towards the right and bend the trunk sideways and touch the right foot with the hands. Look up at the left hand.
  • Return to the standing position.
  • Repeat this with the left hand touching the left foot.

6. What are the ways to prevent diabetes?

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Ans. The ways to prevent diabetes are as follows:

  • Reduce the consumption of white bread, rice, processed food, sugary drinks, jam, jelly, etc.
  • Eat whole grains like brown rice, oatmeal, millets, vegetables and fruits.
  • Do physical exercises that include asanas like Bhujangasana, Paschimottasana, Pavanmuktasana and Ardha Matsyendrasana.

7. What are the advantages of Bhujangasana?

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Ans. The advantages of Bhujangasana are as follows

  • It improves the blood circulation in body
  • It decreases menstrual irregularities in females
  • It strengthens muscles of chest, shoulders, arms and abdomen.
  • It is effective in urine disorder
  • It improves the functioning of reproductive organ
  • It improves the function of live, kidney, pancreas and gall bladder.

8. What do you understand by hypertension? Describe the procedure for performing any one Yogic asana which reduces hypertension.

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Ans. Hypertension occurs when the blood pressure of a person become abnormally high i.e., beyond the acceptable limits.

One Yogic asana which reduces hypertension is the Tadasana (Mountain Pose or Tree Pose). It is performed in the following ways.

  • Stand erect and place your legs slightly apart, with your hands hanging alongside your body.
  • Make your thigh muscles firm. Then lift your kneecaps while ensuring you do not harden the power part of your belly.
  • Hold the pose for 10-20 seconds and return to normal position. Then repeat 10 times.

9. The modern lifestyle is the root cause of many diseases. Justify the statement.

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Ans. It is true that modern lifestyle is the root cause of many diseases. This type of lifestyle promotes more of sedentary work.

In the absence of proper amount of physical activities, the body tends to gain weight that gives rise to obesity.

Obesity causes improper functioning of the organs and organ systems. It also increases lethargyness and reduces the rate of metabolism.

Consuming excess amount of fat and not burning enough calories causes various diseases like hypertension and diabetes. Air pollution and irritants like smoke, lead which are suspended in the air causes respiratory infections and asthma. The air pollution is also a result of modern lifestyle as it is caused by burning of fossil fuels.

Another result of modern lifestyle is the rise in eating of processed foods, canned foods, sugar drinks that have high calories.