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Class XII – Psychology – 3 – MS





Time: 2 Hrs                                                                                                                            Max. Marks: 35


  1. The paper has 12 questions.
  2. All questions are compulsory.
  3. Section A- Question number 1 to 3 are 2 marks each. The answer to these questions must not exceed 40 words.
  4. Section B- Question number 4 to 6 are 3-marks questions. The answer to these questions should not exceed 80 words.
  5. Section C- Question number 7-10 are 4-marks questions. The answer to these questions should not exceed 120 words.
  6. Section D has one case study. There are 2 questions based on this case study, Question No 11 and 12. Each question carries 2 marks. Answer to these questions should not exceed 40 words. Answer both questions.


1. What is DSM-IV? Mention its use in treatment of mental disorders.

Ans. DSM-IV is Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV Edition. It helps to evaluate the patient on five axis or dimensions rather than just one broad aspect of mental disorder. These dimensions relate to biological, psychological, social and other aspects

2. Liz has fear and anxiety of entering into unfamiliar situation. Define specific phobia. What kind of phobia does Liz have?

Ans. Specific phobia is a group which includes irrational fears that cause fear and embarrassment while facing any fearful object such as any type of animal, enclosed space etc. Liz is having agoraphobia, fear of leaving home and entering unfamiliar situations.

3. Explain any two factors that influence attitude formation.

The factors that influence attitude formation are –

(i) Environment of family and school – In the early years of life, parents and other family members play a significant role in shaping attitude, later the school environment becomes an important background for attitude formation.

(ii) Audio-visual media, internet, and textbooks – These sources first strengthen the cognitive and affective components of attitudes, and subsequently may also affect the behavioural component. The media can exert both good and bad influences on attitudes.


Bony is about to participate in a music contest. He is very talented, yet he is feeling very nervous about the event. While performing, he forgot the lyrics and ran from the stage. What do you think would have affected Bony on stage?

Ans. Bony was affected by evaluation apprehension. The person will be praised if performance is good (reward) and criticized if it is bad (punishment). On stage, his nervousness and fear of being evaluated, made him tensed and this affected his performance on stage


4. Describe the defining symptoms of oppositional defiant disorder.

Ans. The defining features of Oppositional Defiant Disorder(ODD) are –

(i) Age-inappropriate amounts of stubbornness, are irritable, defiant, disobedient, and behave in hostile manner.

(ii) They often justify their behaviour as circumstances/demand.

(iii) Violate family expectations, societal norms, and the personal or property rights of others.

(iv) Behave aggressively – harm to people, animals or plants.

(v)  May even cause property damage, major deceitfulness or theft, and serious rule violations.

In general, people attribute success to internal factors, such as their ability or hard work, They attribute failure to external factors, such as bad luck, difficulty of task and so on.

Eg- Sarah failed in examination.

External attribution- “Teacher didn’t teach properly and hence I failed.”

Sarah passed in examination

5. Expand and explain ECT

Ans. Electro- Convulsive Therapy (ECT). Itis another form of biomedical therapy.

Mild electric shock is given via electrodes to the brain of the patient to induce convulsions. The shock is given by the psychiatrists only when it is necessary for the improvement of the patient.

ECT is not a routine treatment and is given only when drugs are not effective in controlling the symptoms of the patient.

6. Write therapies which encourages the client to find meaning and genuine fulfilment in life.

The humanistic existential therapies postulate psychological distress arising from feelings of loneliness, alienation and inability to find meaning and genuine fulfilment in life.

Human beings are motivated by desire for personal growth and self- actualization and by an innate need to grow emotionally.

The therapies, which are included – Existential therapy, Client- cantered therapy, Gestalt therapy.


How is empathy different from sympathy?

In sympathy, one has compassion and pity towards the suffering of another but is not able to feel like the other person. On the other hand, empathy is present when one is able to understand the plight of another person and feels like the other person.

It means understanding things from the other person’s perspective, i.e., putting oneself in the other person’s shoes. Empathy enriches the therapeutic relationship and transforms it into a healing relationship.


7. Mention any 4 behavioral techniques that can be used in a child who procrastinates in studies.

Ans. (i) Negative reinforcement: Reinforcement work on increasing desired behaviour: Here, in negative reinforcement unpleasant stimuli is removed to increase desired behaviour. While in positive reinforcement, positive stimulus is presented to increase desired behaviour.

Eg- When the child learns to study effectively and consistently so that his play time or TV time is not reduced.

(ii) Positive reinforcement: Rewarding desired behaviour so that the likelihood of repeating the same behaviour is strengthened.

Eg- when child scores good marks, taking him to a mall or prepare favourite dish.

(iii) Token economy: Giving token as reward every time a wanted behavior occurs. The tokens are

collected and is exchanged for reward.

Eg- Giving small tokens when the child sits and study every day, small tokens can be given and in the end of the week, a small reward is given.

(iv)   Differential reinforcement:  Positive reinforcement for the wanted behavior and negative reinforcement for unwanted.

Eg- When asked to go outside without doing homework, parent reprimands and ignore but at the same time after finishing all the homework when the child asks to go out, parents agree. This behavior gets reinforced in the child.

8. On the basis of what classification, does a therapist choose psychotherapies for treatment?

Ans. (i) What is the cause, which has led to the problem?

Psychodynamic theory-lntrapsychic conflicts

Behavioral therapies- Due to faulty learning of behavior and cognition

Existential therapies- Questions about the meaning of one’s life and existence cause problem”

(ii) How did the cause come into existence?

Psychodynamic theory- Unfulfilled desires of childhood and unresolved childhood fears lead to intrapsychic conflicts.

Behavioral therapy- Faulty conditioning patterns, faulty learning and faulty thinking and beliefs lead to maladaptive behavior.

Existential therapy- Importance on present. It is the current feeling of loneliness, alienation, sense of futility of one’s existence which cause problems.

(iii) What is the chief method of treatment?

Psychodynamic therapy- Methods of free association and reporting of dreams to elicit the thoughts and feelings of the client.

Behavioral therapy-  Identifies the faulty condition patterns and sets up alternate behavioral contingencies to improve behavior.

Existential therapy- Therapeutic environment which is positive, accepting and non-judgmental. The client arrives at the solution through process of personal growth.

(iv)  What is the nature of the therapeutic relationship between the client and the therapist?

Psychodynamic therapy- Therapist interprets thoughts and feelings of client and understand intrapsychic conflicts.

Behavioral therapy- Therapist discern faulty behavior and thought patterns of the client.

Therapist is capable of finding correct behavior and thought patterns.

Existential therapy- Therapist merely provides warm, empathetic relationship in which client explores nature and causes of problems.

(v) What is the chief benefit to the client?

Psychodynamic therapy- Emotional insight is important and he understands conflicts intellectually; is able to accept the same emotionally; and is able to change emotions towards the conflicts.

Behavioral therapy- Changing faulty behavior and thought patterns to adaptive ones for treatment. Insulting adaptive or healthy behavior and thought patterns ensures reduction of distress.

Humanistic therapy- Personal growth is the process of gaining increasing understanding of oneself.

(vi) What is Ute duration of the treatment?

Psychodynamic theory- Several years or sometimes 10-15 sessions.

Behavioral therapy and existential therapy – shorter and completed in few sessions.


Describe four factors which contribute to treatment of psychological distress.

Ans. Treatment of psychological distress

(i) Techniques adopted by therapist and the implementation of the same.

(ii) The therapeutic alliance

(iii) Unburdening of the emotional problems (catharsis)

(iv) Non-specific factors attributable to the client/patient (patient – variables) and attributable to the therapist (therapist – variables)


Any relevant example i.e., relaxation procedure and cognitive restructuring.

9. What are the 4 significant features of attitude?

Ans. (i) Valence – The valence of an attitude tells us whether an attitude is positive or negative towards the attitude object A 5- point scale ranging would help to evaluate the attitude. The scale consists of – 1(Very bad), 2 (Bad), 3 (Neutral), 4(good) and 5 (very good). A neutral attitude would have neither positive nor negative valence.

(ii)  Extremeness – The extremeness of an attitude indicates how positive or negative an attitude is. A neutral attitude of course is lowest on extremeness.

(iii) Simplicity/Complexity – This feature refers to how many attitudes there are within a broader attitude.

(iv) Centrality – This refers to role of a particular attitude in the attitude system. An attitude with great centrality would influence other attitudes in the system much more than non-central attitudes would.


What are some of the strategies to handle forejudice?

Ans. Knowing about the causes or sources would be the first step in handling prejudice. Thus, the strategies for handling prejudice would be effective if they aim at;

(i) minimising opportunities for learning prejudices,

(ii) changing such attitudes,

(iii) de-emphasising a narrow social identity based on the in group and

(iv) discouraging the tendency towards self-fulfilling prophecy among the victims of prejudice.

These goals can be accomplished through:

• Education and information dissemination, for correcting stereotypes related to specific target groups, and tackling the problem of a strong in group bias.

• Increasing intergroup contact allows for direct communication, removal of mistrust between the groups and even discovery of positive qualities in the outgroup. However, these strategies are successful only if: – the two groups meet in a cooperative rather than competitive context, – close interactions between the groups helps them to know each other better, and – the two groups are not different in power or status.

• Highlighting individual identity rather than group identity, thus weakening the importance of group (both in group and outgroup) as a basis of evaluating the other person.

10. Prejudice are examples of attitudes towards a particular group. What are the different sources of prejudice?

Ans. Different source of prejudice are:

(i) Learning- Learning through association, reward and punishment, observing others, group or cultural norms and exposure to information encourages prejudice. The family, reference groups, personal experiences and media play a role in the prejudice.

(ii) Strong social identity and in group bias- Individuals who have strong sense of social identity and have positive attitude towards their own group boost this attitude by holding negative attitudes towards another group.

(iii) Scapegoating- A phenomenon in which majority group places the blame on a minority outgroup for its own social, economic or political problems. It is a group based way of expressing frustration, and often results in negative attitudes or prejudice against ·weaker group.

(iv) Kernel of truth- Sometimes people may continue to hold stereotypes because, they think that after all, there must be a truth.

(v) Self-fulfilling prophecy – In some cases, the group which is target of prejudice is itself responsible for continuing the prejudice. The target group may behave in ways that justify the prejudice, that is it confirms negative expectations.


Kritika a junior in college was getting all A’s in her classes, working in her spare time as a research assistant in a psychology laboratory and had a lot of friends and a 2 year relationship with a guy of her dreams. Things soon changed when her boyfriend unexpectedly told her that he was leaving her for someone else. Following her initial shock and rage, she began to have uncontrollable crying spells and doubts about her relationship and even her abilities in classroom and laboratory. Her spirit rapidly sank and she began to spend more time in bed, refusing to talk, increased alcohol consumption. Within weeks, her grades plummeted due to her inability, or refusal to attend classes. She had terrible mood swings and considered her as a failure in life. Finally, her parents intervened and took her to a psychologist.

11. From the given case study, what diagnosis would have psychologist given for Kritika? Explain notable symptoms to support your answer.

Ans. Kritika had mood disorders, according to the given case study. Mood disorders are characterized by disturbances in mood or prolonged emotional state.

Most common symptoms

– Changes in eating and sleeping patterns

– Withdrawal from family, friends and regular activities.

– Drug and alcohol abuse

– Marked personality change

– Difficulty in concentration

12. What are the different form of the condition which Kritika have?

Ans. The different forms of mood disorders are:

(i) Major depressive disorder – period of depressed mood and loss of interest of pleasure in most activities together with symptoms of change in body weight, tiredness, inability to think, sleeplessness and excessive feeling of guilt and worthlessness.

(ii) Mania – People suffering from mania become euphoric (high) – extremely talkative, easily distractible and distractible. Manic episodes rarely appear in themselves and it usually alternate with depression.

(iii) Bipolar mood disorders – Mood disorder in which both mania and depression are alternatively interrupted by periods of normal mood. It is also known as manic depressive disorders.