Time: 2 Hrs Max. Marks: 35
• The question paper is divided into 3 sections – A, B and C
• Section A has 7 Questions (1-7). Each question carries 2 marks.
• Section B has 3 Questions (8-10). Each question carries 3 marks.
• Section C has 3 case-based Questions (11-13). Each question carries 4 marks.
• Internal choices have been given for question numbers 1, 3, 8 and 12.
Q.1 Atul, a network engineer, is required to demonstrate the features of a Star and Bus network. Help him with the layout design and mention an advantage of both.
Arya is interested in knowing the difference between the terms Hub and Switch. Help her by mentioning two points
Q.2. (i) Expand: VOIP
(ii) I can receive a signal and retransmit at a higher level so that the signal can cover a longer distance. Who am I?
Q.3. Predict the output of the following queries:
i. SELECT POWER (2, −3);
ii. SELECT ROUND (23483.45, −2);
Briefly explain the purpose of the following SQL functions:
i. POWER ()
ii. ROUND ()
Q.4. What is the importance of URL in networking? State an example of a URL.
Q.5. Help Reshma in predicting the output of the following queries:
ii) SELECT INSTR (‘Lata Mangeshkar’,’a’);
Q.6. Gopi Krishna is using a table EMPLOYEE. It has the following columns:
Code, Name, Salary, Deptcode He wants to display maximum salary Department wise. He wrote the following command:
SELECT Deptcode, Max(Salary) FROM EMPLOYEE;
But he did not get the desired result. Rewrite the above query with necessary change to help him get the desired output. Justify your answer.
Q.7. Consider following STUDENT table populated with following data
Answer the following questions:
(i) Display the average marks of the entire dataset.
(ii) Display the total number of records in the student table.
Consider the above table and predict the output of the following statements:
(i) SELECT SUM (marks) FROM STUDENT WHERE class =” XII”;
Q.8. Predict the output of the following queries:
i. SELECT MONTHNAME (“2022-01-27”);
ii. SELECT INSTR (“Take work as a game and enjoy it”, “game”);
iii. SELECT RIGHT (“Storms hit your weakness, but unlocks your true strength”,8);
Consider following VEHICLE table populated with following data
Answer the following questions:
i. Both the following statements are giving two different outputs, what could be the reason
mysql> select * from vehicle where perkm > 50 and perkm < 100; /* Statement1*/
mysql> select * from vehicle where perkm > 50 or and perkm < 100; /* Statement2*/
ii. Display the position of the first occurrence of “ar” in the attribute vehicletype.
iii. Display 12% of perkm rounded to two digits with column heading “CALCULATED VALUE”.
Q.9 Sunil is confused with the following functions:
i. DAY () and DAYNAME ()
ii. MONTH () and MONTHNAME ()
iii. INSTR () and SUBSTR ()
Explain the difference between each and justify using an example for each.
Q.10. Alisha needs a clarity with the purpose of “Group by” and “Order by” clauses in MySQL. You are required to provide an example highlighting the difference between the two with suitable justification.
Q. 11. Consider following PRODUCT table populated with following data
(i) Display all records of products except Washing Powder.
(ii) Display the product names whose price lies between 100 and 150 (both values inclusive).
(iii) Display the name and price of products whose UPRICE is greater than 100. Sort on the basis of UPRICE in decreasing order.
(iv) Display the number of manufactures without duplication.
Q.12. Mr. Subash, an IT Manager of “GEM Ltd. “has created the following table to store the records of employees:
Write SQL statements for the following:
(i) Display the names of employees in uppercase who work in the Sales dept.
(ii) Display the name of employees who joined in October.
(iii) Display the positional occurrence of “a” in the name of each employee.
(iv) Display from the name 3 characters from the 2nd position of all the employees.
(i) Predict the output of:
SELECT POW(INSTR(“My_Database”,”_”),2);
(ii) Is NULL and 0(zero) same? Justify your answer.
(iii) Shyam wants to insert “Sharma” in the “LastName” column of the “Emp” table as shown below, but an error is being displayed. Write the correct SQL statement.
INSERT INTO Emp (‘Sharma’) VALUES (Lastname) ;
(iv) Write the SQL statement to round of 67.246 to two decimal places.
Q.13. RIT University has to set up its new campus at Chennai. It has four department blocks named block A, B, C and D for different functionalities.
The Administrative Office is currently located at New Delhi.
Distance between various blocks:
Block A to Block B – 50 m
Block B to Block C – 115 m
Block C to Block D -1.5 km
Block A to Block D – 270 m
Block B to Block D – 225 m
Block A to Block C – 1 km
Based on the above information, answer the following questions.
(i) Connect the devices using a suitable topology.
(ii) Name the blocks where a switch should be installed.
(iii) Name the block where the server is to be installed. Justify your answer.
(iv) What is the network type formed (out of LAN, MAN, WAN) between Block A to C.