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Class XI – Physical Education – 1 – MS

Practice Paper


Term – II


Time: 2 hours                                                                                                                  Maximum Mark: 35

General Instructions:

1. There are three sections in the Question paper namely Section A, Section B and Section C.

2. Section A consists of 9 questions amongst which 7 questions have to be attempted each question carries 2 marks and should have 30-50 words.

3. Section B consists of 5 questions amongst which 3 questions have to be attempted each question carries 3 marks and should have 80-100 words.

4. Section C consists of 4 questions amongst which 3 questions have to be attempted each question carries 4 marks and should have 100-150 words.


Q. 1. Name two organisations that are promoting Adaptive sports.

Special Olympics Bharat, Paralympics.

Q. 2. What do you mean by training and sports training?

The word “training” means to give practical and theoretical knowledge. The Training is a process of preparing an individual for any event or an activity. Sports Training is the physical, technical, intellectual, psychological and moral preparation of an athlete or a player by means of physical exercise. According to Mathew, “Sports training is the basic form of preparation of a sportsman”.

Q. 3. Define Adolescence and Adolescence period?

The word adolescence is derived from the latin word ‘adolescere’ which means to grow to maturity. It usually begins at the age of 11 and may continue up to the age of 20. Adolescent period usually begins at the age of 11 and may continue upto the age of 20. Adolescent period is a stage of quick growth and development and full of stresses, strains etc.

Q. 4. What do you mean by Meditation and which Asanas are called as Meditative asanas?

According to Patanjali, Meditation is the concentration of mind (Chitta) on an impulse(Vritti) without any divergence. Meditative Asanas are cross-legged sitting postures which allow you to sit upright and relaxed for a longer time. They provide a stable seat for meditation without moving any part of your body.

Q. 5. Enlist two qualities of a good leader

The qualities of a good leader are :

1. Good Personality

2. Intelligent and Knowledgeable

Q. 6. Define doping and Blood doping

According to International Olympic Committee, ‘‘Doping is the use of any method or substance that might harm the athlete, in a quest to gain an unfair advantage, over his/her fellow competitors.” Blood Doping is the process of increasing the Red blood cells by blood transfusion. Blood doping increases haemoglobin which allows higher amount of O2 to fuel an athlete’s muscles. This can improve stamina and performance, particularly in long distance events.

Q. 7. Write two precautions of Padmasana.

The precautions of Padmasana are : 1. Knees should touch the ground in final position. 2. Keep head and spine erect and shoulders relaxed.

Q. 8. Who are born leaders and made leaders?

According to “Great man theory”, born leaders are those who have certain inborn qualities of leadership. According to “situational theory” of leadership, made leaders are those who serve the needs of society.

Q. 9. Write any two aims and objectives of Deaflympics.

The two aims and objectives of Deaflympics are :

1. To supervise the organization of successful Summer and Winter Deaflympics.

2. To promote and contribute to the development of sport opportunities and competitions, from grass-root to elite level, for Deaf athletes


Q.10. Mention the importance of sports psychology

Following points can help us to know the importance of sports psychology :

(i) Improvement in Self-confidence : Sports psychology helps to improve the self-confidence of the athletes or the players to perform their maximum in sports.

(ii) Dealing with crowd during competition : Sports psychology can also help to develop the ability to deal with negative remarks of crowd and noise during the competition.

(iii) Counselling of Sportspersons : Through sports psychology the athlete can be given guidance and counselling, remove confusions and doubts and inferiority complex etc.

(iv) Improvement in Concentration : Sports Psychology helps the players to concentrate more which leads to better performance.

(v) Controlling the Emotions : Sports psychology helps in controlling emotions like anger, disgust, fear, negative self thinking etc. Controlling these emotions helps in best performance.

Q.11.What are the elements of Yoga ? Explain any two elements of Yoga.

Elements of yoga can be explained in the form of ‘Ashtanga Yoga’. ‘Ashta’ means eight and ‘Anga’ means limbs. It means eight-limbs yoga. These were described by Patanjali in yogasutras. The elements of yoga are as follows :

(i) Yama (ii) Niyama (iii) Asana (iv) Pranayama (v) Pratyahara (vi) Dharana (vii) Dhyana (viii) Samadhi Explanation of Yoga and Pranayama :

(i) Asana : Asanas are various postures of yoga. These poses help the person to remain healthy and balanced. These help to develop concentration. By practising asana one can develop agility, balance, endurance and great vitality. They keep the body free from disease. Their real importance lies in the way they train and discipline the mind. There are various types of asanas such as corrective asanas, relaxative asanas and meditative asanas.

(ii) Pranayama : Pranayama improves the respiratory system. Regular practice helps to control the mind and emotions. Pranayama is the fourth step of Ashtanga yoga. Pranayama is the practice of various breathing techniques. There are three main stages of ‘pranayama’ :

(a) Puraka : To inhale breath.

(b) Kumbhaka : To retain breath.

(c) Rechaka : To exhale breath.

Q.12. Discuss about the types of leadership in physical education.

There are two types of leadership in physical education :

1. Teacher leadership : Teacher leadership is essential in the field of physical education because he is the person who helps the students in the field to achieve the objectives of his field.

2. Student leadership : With the introduction of physical education subject at different levels, the student gets enough chances to be student leaders in the field of physical education. They are expected to perform their duties in various capacities in the field. They are required to help the teacher in many ways, they may extend help during training session, competition. They may share various responsibilities in maintaining profiles, discipline during normal days as well as during functions and during sports competitions

Q.13. What is the role of physical education teacher for educating children with special needs ?

Physical education teachers are expected to provide safe and fun activities for children that promote muscular development and provide cardiovascular exercise, while at the same time teaching children important skills like teamwork and sportsmanship. The role of a Physical Education Teacher for children with special needs is described below :

• To create new games and activities based on the specific needs of each individual child, as they may work with various disabilities ranging from children with blindness or hearing problems to those with orthopedic impairment or traumatic brain injuries.

• To determine the abilities of students with special needs, and the measures that may need implementing to support their participation in sports and fitness.

• To promote DAPE (developmental adapted physical education) and improve physical fitness, fundamental motor skills in these children.

• To support and encourage children to participate in physical education activities.

• To develop a positive attitude and helping the students to reduce or cope with anxiety, stress and depression.

• To be a support system for the children and understand their emotional needs.

• To understand student’s problems on individual as well as at team levels and provide them with the solutions

Q.14. What do you mean by Principles of Sports Training? Explain any two.

Principles of Sports Training

It is human nature to formulate principles. These serve as an important function of helping the human beings to regulate their activities in order to achieve their goals. Principles of sports training are the guidelines for the formulation, implementation and regulation of sports training. Following are the principles of sports training :

(i) Principle of Specificity : According to this principle, exercising a certain part or component of the body develops that part. Every sport has its own requirement. The type of training should be based on specific requirements of particular sports for which training is to be given. Example : a long distance runner should be trained for endurance whereas a gymnast should be trained for flexibility.

(ii) Principle of Progression : According to this principle, the exercises should be arranged in a systematic way i.e. simple to complex. The overload should not be increased too rapidly. The training load should be increased only when the person has adapted to the previous load otherwise it can result in injury.


Q.15. What do you mean by adolescence ? Explain the problems of adolescents

The word adolescence is derived from the latin word ‘adolescere’ which means to grow to maturity. It usually begins at the age of 10 and may continue up to the age of 20.

Changes in this stage maybe marked by developments in weight, height, physical features, sexual maturation etc. Adolescence is also a period which leads to turbulence and it is often seen in behavioral changes.

According to ‘JERSIELD’ “Adolescence is a period through which a growing person makes a transition from childhood to maturity.”

According to Stanley Hall, “ Adolescence is the period of great stress and strain, storm, and strife.”

According to Sadler, “Adolescence is that period in which a child tries to be capable of doing everything by himself.” In fact, it is a period of fast growth and development

(i) Physical problems : External as well internal changes in boys and girls give rise to special types of personal problems and difficulties. So many times the natural process may cause unnecessary worries especially to the girls (starting of menstruation etc). Many adolescents are worried because of difference in physical make up. All the organs of the body do not develop at the same rate. As a result certain movements do not seem to be balanced.

(ii) Intensification of self consciousness : This is the age of show off and there is sufficient development of self-consciousness. In this stage the child always desires that he or she should exhibit himself or herself in such a way that the other persons do not think of him as a child. The person in this stage is neither a child nor an adult. At this stage one may either turn rebellious or shut their eyes towards all sides and become inert or passive.

(iii) Eating disorders : Anxiety, depression etc. can result in various eating disorders in adolescents. Two such diseases are Bulimia and Anorexia. Individuals with bulimia have an irregular eating pattern with binge eating and vomiting. Starvation for weight loss describes Anorexia. These diseases can be found in people, who have stopped following a fitness routine, females who want to lose weight etc.

(iv) Sexual Problems : Sex instinct is very strong at this age. Most of the problems at this age are due to the maturity of sex glands and over activity of sex glands. Moreover there is strange sensation of excitement in their organs.

(v) Peer group relationship : The relationship developed by an adolescent with peer group has a deep influence on his adjustment and development. He has more respect and trust for his peer group than his parents and family. He carries on same activities which are liked by his peer group. The generation gap in traditions, values, and ideas are natural. Therefore there is often conflict with the ideas of parents and elders.

(vi) Problem of career selection : Generally the problem of career selection is very common and it is created by the parents because they think that the adolescent is not mature enough to decide about his career. So they force the adolescent to go in the profession which is liked by the parents. So, the child starts behaving indifferently at home and there is a great change in his behaviour.

(vii) Dependence-Independence : This age is considered as a period of conflicts, stresses and strains. At this stage the adolescent is neither a child nor an adult. He has to face lot of difficulties in obeying his elders which gives rise to tensions, conflicts and problems. On one side the childhood does not leave him and on the other side he wants to discharge his duties as an adult. Therefore at this stage the adolescent requires the security and guidance as a child and at same time he also demands independence and self-reliance like an adult.

(viii) Idealism Vs Realism : An adolescent is by nature an idealist. He wants to establish an ideal society. He is not encouraged and inspired by the parents and by the present events or conditions. He usually thinks to change everything according to his own interest which is not possible for him. Lack of experience and immaturity leads him to the world of imagination away from reality. In this situation he tries to satisfy his emotions either in destructive activities or becomes passive being lost in the world of dreams.

(ix) Drug abuse : Drug abuse is quite prevalent among many adolescents. They generally experiment with drugs due to curiosity, lack of knowledge and peer group pressure. They fall prey as they think it as a sign of cool lifestyle.

(x) Emotional Problems : Adolescents are very emotional. They experience mood swings and get excited very easily. They might feel happy at one moment and sad at the other. Their behaviour becomes unpredictable and unstable. They become irritated easily when they are asked to do something which they don’t like.

(xi) Juvenile Negligences : During this age, many children indulge in anti–social activities like stealing, shop lifting and formation of street gangs, violent behaviour and destructive activities to attract people. Such behaviour is more common in families where parents fail to devote enough time to their children.

Q.16. What are the essential qualities of a good leader? Explain

The essential qualities of a good leader and their development through games is as following :

1. Personality of a Leader : The inner and outer personality of a good leader should be impressive. Inner personality includes the qualities of self-confidence, knowledge, experience, impartial behaviour, decency etc. Outer personality means that he should wear neat and clean clothes and should behave lovingly with everybody.

The captain of the team and other players in games, play with each other and develop themselves. They move towards their aim jointly. They gain new experience and also learn culture while playing

2. Intelligent and Knowledgeable : A good leader should be intelligent and knowledgeable also. He should have confidence in his knowledge and intelligence. A good player is always intelligent and knowledgeable. He has to take many decisions while playing which depend on his knowledge about the game.

3. Punctual : A good leader should be punctual, he should respect the value of time. He should prepare beforehand his daily schedule so that he reaches everywhere in time. The sports competitions always begin in time. So the players should be punctual otherwise they are not allowed to participate. This develops in them the virtue of punctuality.

4. Decisive : A good leader should have the ability of taking instant decision on the basis of available knowledge. He therefore depends upon his experience and knowledge for this.

Players have to frequently change their strategies during the play from time to time. They sometime have to take instant decisions which make them decisive.

5. Broad Minded and Foresighted : A good leader should always be prepared to learn something new. He should have the intellect to evaluate his plans and changes. Players are always ready to improve their level of performance. They are also ready to learn new techniques.

6. Disciplined and Honest : A good leader should always be a role model for others. He should never give a wrong decision. He should also not take the side of the wrong person. The undisciplined players are punished. Thus the players always try to keep themselves disciplined.

7. Courageous and Confident : A good leader should have full confidence in his abilities. He should have the courage to face the truth. He should also be ready to accept and improve his shortcomings. A player lacking in self confidence cannot perform his best. Thus a player always try to become courageous and confident.

8. Unbiased : A good leader should be unbiased. He should not be partial to anybody. He should treat everybody equally. An unbiased leader respects everybody. A good player is also unbiased. He praises only the good game.

9. Good Orator : Words are of great importance for men. A good leader should be good orator as well. He can create a new enthusiasm in masses through his words. The words of praise act as stimulant for a player thus all players praise each other and raise the confidence in each other.

10. Sense of Humour : A good leader should not have coarse behaviour. He should always try to cheer up his companions. He should not also leave courage in tough times

A leader keeps the morale of his fellow players high and stays happy even during difficult times.

11. Determination : A good leader should have great determination so that he can face over all the hindrances that come in his way.

12. Good Moral Character : A good leader should be Commendable and Exemplary. A good leader should be trustworthy so that people can follow him. He should live his life with honesty and integrity. He should live a life such that nobody can question his character.

13. Enthusiastic : A good leader should always be enthusiastic about the cause of the people. He must have the capability to see what is good or bad for the people in the long run. He should approach a problem in a holistic manner and should never believe himself different from his people and subject.

14. Idol for Followers : A good leader should be proactive and committed to excellence. He should always maintain high standards and act as an idol for his followers. His personal and public life both should be remarkable and stain free.

Q.17. What is doping ? Explain in detail the ill–effects of the prohibited substances.

Doping may be defined as the use of chemical substances, foreign to the body, to improve performance in competition, may be national or international. Many drugs have dangerous side effects. Doping methods or substances might harm the health of athletes and might be fatal.

Side Effects of Prohibited Substances The use of performance enhancing substances leads to serious health problems and even death.

(a) Addictive effects : Most of these substances have addictive effects and hence it creates physical and psychological effects.

(b) Cardiac Problems : Doping has adverse effect over heart and causes many types of cardiac problems like varied heart beat, hypertension, cardiac arrest etc.

(c) Affects Kidney and liver : Doping substances contain strong chemicals and hence it affects liver and kidney adversely. It leads to non-functioning and partial damage of important organs.

(d) Unbalanced Psychological Behaviour : These substances usually lead to unbalanced psychological behaviour like aggression, loss of concentration, headache, loss of neuromuscular responses, insomnia, depression etc.

(e) Impotence : Doping causes impotence in males i.e. shrinking of testicles, reduction of sperm production. In females it causes infertility.

(f) Dehydration : Doping causes great loss of water from body, thus leading to dehydration. Dehydration results in cramps, heat stroke, high temperature etc.

(g) Digestive problems : Most of these banned drugs cause digestive or gastro problems like loss of appetite, hormonal variation, constipation, stomach ache etc.

Q.18. Explain in detail about Special Olympic Bharat.

Special Olympics Bharat is a National Sports Federation also registered under the Indian Trust Act 1882 in 2001 and is accredited by Special Olympics International to conduct Special Olympics Programmes in India. It is recognised by the Government of India as a National Sports Federation in the Priority Category, for development of Sports for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities and is a designated Nodal Agency for all disabilities on account of its national presence and experience, especially in rural areas which account for nearly 75 per cent of the disabled population in India. At national level, they are trained to participate in 24 single and team games by the Sports Authority of India.

Achievements of Special Olympic Bharat :

• Special Olympics Bharat has organized many competitions on National Level in various disciplines such as; National Badminton Championship, National Volleyball and Basketball Championship, National games, National Floor Hockey Championships and National Football and Table Tennis Championship.

• 885 Special Olympics Bharat athletes have participated in five World Winter Games and eight World Summer Games between 1987 and 2017 winning a total of 1135 medals; out of which 359 were gold, 353 silver and 423 bronze medals.

• Five National Games held between 2001 and 2011 in different parts of the country saw participation of 23,750 athletes.

• First Regional Asia Pacific Games were held in 2012 which saw participation of 400 Special Olympics Bharat athletes who brought home 387 medals (111 gold, 136 silver and 140 bronze).