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Class XI – History Practice Paper – 1

Subject: History

Class XI – Mid Term Practice Paper

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 80

General Instructions:

1) Answer all the questions. Some questions have an internal choice. Marks are indicated against each question. This question paper comprises of six sections.

2) Section A: Question numbers 1 to 20 are objective type questions carrying 1 mark and should be answered in one word or one sentence each

3) Section B: Question numbers 21 is Case Based/ Source Based having Multiple Choice questions. 3 marks

4) Section C: Answer to questions carrying 3 marks (Question 22 to 25) should not exceed 100 words each.

5) Section D: Answer to questions carrying 8 marks (Question 26 to 28) should not exceed 350 words each.

6) Section E: Question number 29 to 31 are Source-based questions carrying 5 marks each.

7) Section F: Question number 30 is a Map question that includes the identification and location of significant test items. Attach the map with the answer book.


1. Consider the following statements:

a) Mesopotamia lacked mineral resources.

b) In most parts of the south there was a shortage of stones for making tools, seals (currencies) and jewellery.

c) The wood of Iraqi palm and poplar trees was not particularly good for making carts, wheelbarrows or boats.

d) There was no metal available for making tools, utensils, or ornaments.

Choose the right option:

a) a and b

b) b and c

c) a, b and c

d) a, b, c and d

2. What is correct about the types of settlements formed cities in Mesopotamia –

1. These were of two kinds.

2. settlements developed artistic temples

3. settlements developed as centers of trade and

4. settlements developed as imperial settlement or cities

a) 1,2, 3, 4

b) 2, 3, 4

c) 1,2,3

d) 3, 4

3. Consider the following Statements:

I. Sumerian, the oldest known language of Mesopotamia was gradually taken over by the Akkadian language after 2400 BC.

II. The custom of cuneiform writing in the Akkadian language continued for more than 2000 years until the first century AD.

Choose the correct option :

a) I is correct

b) II is correct

c) Both I and II are correct

d) Both I and II are incorrect.

4. Which rivers made boundaries of the Roman empire from the north side?

I. Rhine

II. Euphrates

III. Danube.

IV. Nile

a. I , II

b. I, III

c. II, III

d. I, IV

5. The Roman silver coin, known as the denarius, weighed _________ gm of pure silver.

a. 2

b. 3

c. 4

d. 5

6. Name the scholar who argued that history is not all about political history but also includes international relations and lives of great people.

a. James Cunnigham

b. Alexander Cunnigham

c. James Bloch

d. Marc Bloch

7. Which one is NOT correctly MATCHED?

a. Martin Luther – Germany

b. Thomas Moore – England

c. Copernicus – France

d. Galileo – Italy

8. Directions: In the following questions, a statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Mark the correct choice as:

(a) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Assertion (A): The success of communist programme promised hope but its repressive political system turned the ideals of liberation and equality into slogans to manipulate the people.

Reason (R): Yet it did not remove centuries old inequalities, spread education and raise consciousness among the people.

9. Whose son was Ogodei?

a. Genghis Khan

b. Arab Khan

c. Tientsin

d. Ali

10. Name of the city that Gilgamesh ruled was

(a) Ur

(b) Uruk

(c) Mari

(d) Susa

11. What was Campania famous for?

12. Lapis Lazuli was a …………

(a) Red Stone

(b) Type of cereal

(c) currency

(d) Blue Stone

13. Name of the city that Gilgamesh ruled was

(a) Ur

(b) Uruk

(c) Mari

(d) Susa

14. Choose the correct answer from the given options. Name of the Roman emperor who introduced the gold coin was:

(a) Augustus

(b) Octavian

(c) Constantine

(d) Diocletian

15. The group of wealthy aristocrats who ruled was called?

1. Republic

2. Senate

3. local state

4. Dressal-2O

16. Who is considered the first pope of Christianity?

1. Pios

2. Paul

3. Innocent

4. Gregory

17. Feudalism was………..

1. Open economy

2. Closed economy

3. Subsistence economy

4. All of them

18. To which tribe did Genghis Khan belong to?

1. kiat

2. Huna

3. Finnish

4. Qureshi

19. What were Tablets?

20. Manors belonged to which class?


21. Read the following source and answer the following questions:

In Benedictine monasteries, there was a manuscript with 73 chapters of rules which were followed by monks for many centuries. Here are some of the rules they had to follow:

Chapter 6: Permission to speak should rarely be granted to monks.

Chapter 7: Humility means obedience.

Chapter 33: No monk should own private property.

Chapter 47: Idleness is the enemy of the soul, so friars and sisters should be occupied at certain times in manual labour, and at fixed hours in sacred reading.

Chapter 48: The monastery should necessities be found within its bounds: water, mill, garden, workshops.

1. What is the enemy of the soul?

a. To speak less

b. Humility

c. idleness

d. Owning private property

2. What do you understand by manuscript?

a. Hand written book

b. A kind of script

c. a kind of language

d. Printed book

3. What would you not find within the boundaries of a monastery?

a. Mill

b. Garden

c. Monks

d. Manor


22. Why did Genghis Khan feel the need to fragment the Mongol tribes into new social and military groupings?

23. Write a short note on the first estate of French society

24.What do you know about Mesopotamian language and script? Name the languages known to them?

25.Explain the political structure of the Roman Empire.

SECTION D – Long Answer Type

26. Write a short note on the religious beliefs of Romans and the development of christianization in Rome.


Explain the Roman system of management and supervision of labour?

27. Write a short essay on Socio-Political life of Mongols.

28. There was a great disparity among the different sections of the Mesopotamian society”. Explain.

SECTION – E (Source Based)

29. Read the following source and answer the following questions:

1. Who is the author of these lines?

2. What is the theme of this poem?

3. What can we ascertain about the beliefs of medieval European people?

30. Read the following source and answer the following questions:

The Capture of Bukhara

Juwaini, a late-thirteenth-century Persian chronicler of the Mongol rulers of Iran, carried an account of the capture of Bukhara in 1220. After the conquest of the city, Juwaini reported, Genghis Khan went to the festival ground where the rich residents of the city were and addressed them: ‘O people know that you have committed great sins, and that the great ones among you have committed these sins. If you ask me what proof I have for these words, I say it is because I am the punishment of God. If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you’… Now one man had escaped from Bukhara after its capture and had come to Khurasan. He was questioned about the fate of the city and replied: ‘They came, they [mined the walls), they burnt, they slew, they plundered and they departed.’

1. Who was Juwaini?

2. What did Genghis Khan tell to the residents of Bukhara?

3. What was the situation of Bukhara after the Mongol invasion?

31. Read the following source and answer the following questions:

Incomes of the Roman Aristocracy, Early Fifth Century

‘Each of the great houses of Rome contained within itself everything which a medium-sized city could hold, a hippodrome, fora, temples, fountains and different kinds of baths… Many of the Roman households received an income of four thousand pounds of gold per year from their properties, not including grain, wine and other produce which, if sold, would have amounted to one-third of the income in gold. The income of the households in Rome of the second class was one thousand or fifteen hundred pounds of gold.’

– Olympiodorus of Thebes.

1. How were the great houses of Rome in the fifth century?

2. What was the income of second class people in Rome?

3. Throw a light on the income of rich Roman families.

SECTION – F (Map Skill Base Question)

33. On the given outline map of Asia, locate and label the following with appropriate symbol:

(i) identify and mark the places situated at A, B and C. (Moscow, Turfan and Nishapur)

ii) Locate and mark in the given map : Ur, Uruk, Mari