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Class XI – Geography – 2 – Sample

Practice Paper

TERM II (2021 – 2022)

Class – XI

Geography (029)

Time: 2 hours                                                                                                          Maximum Marks: 35

General Instructions:

  1. There are 10 Question in all.
  2. Question paper has divided into 5 Sections-A, B, C, D & E
  3. Marks of all questions are indicated against.
  4. In Section A question number 1 to 3 are very Short Answer type questions. Attempt any 3 questions.
  5. In Section B question number 4 is sourced based question.
  6. In Section C question number 5 & 6 are Short Answer based questions.
  7. In Section D question number 7 to 9 are Long Answer based questions.
  8. In Section E question number 10 is Map based questions


1. Explain types of Tides on the basis of positions of Sun, Moon and Earth.

2. How do currents affect the temperature? How does it affect the temperature of coastal areas in the N.W. Europe?

3. How Jet stream influence Indian weather? Explain.


Mention any two main reasons for the excessive cold in north India during winter season.




Since the last few decades, growth in human population has increased the rate of consumption of natural resources. It has accelerated the loss of species and habitation in different parts of the world. Tropical regions which occupy only about one-fourth of the total area of the world, contain about three fourth of the world human population. Over exploitation of resources and deforestation have become rampant to fulfil the needs of large population. As these tropical rain forests contain 50 percent of the species on the earth, destruction of natural habitats have proved disastrous for the entire biosphere.

4.1 What do you understand by loss of Biodiversity?

4.2 Mention any two main reason for the loss of species and habitation.

4.3 How can we conserve Biodiversity?


5. Explain three different ways of cooling and heating of atmosphere.


Differentiate between Land breeze and Sea breeze.

6. What are black soils? Describe their formation and characteristics.


7. What do you mean by condensation? Explain its four forms on the basis of temperature and location.


“The column of atmosphere is divided into five different layers depending upon the temperature condition”. Explain with diagram.

8. Describe weather conditions in the South-West monsoon season with reference to Monsoon winds of Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal.

9. “Different ways of social forestry are the effective method to conserve forest on large scale”. Elaborate this statement with examples.


10. (A) Identify the following features marked by a, b and c on the given map of the world and write their names (Attempt any 2)

a) An Ecological hot spot

b) A water body

c) A Warm Ocean Current

(B) On the outline map of India indicate and mark the following features: (Attempt any 3)

a) As type of climate region

b) Laterite soil area in peninsular India

c) Pachmahri Biosphere reserve

d) Similipal Biosphere reserve